Friday 11 October 2013

Mobas are a branding agency and they are based in Cambridge. They are ranked as the UK's top agencies.

Yesterday at college, we had something called D-Day (Digital Day) where in groups we had to think of a brand and launch it on social media sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram ect. 

Our group thought of the Brand name RAGS. we came up with the idea of having a clothes shop where people could bring in their old clothes and they would be renewed or recycled to make new clothes. The shop we had created would be run by students as they know about fashion, what trend is in and what people like to wear. 

We decided also to make our shop a charity shop where we would donate 15% of our sales to a specific  charity.

We thought of a few good selling points for our shop, the main ones being that the clothes would be cheap but still good material and that we recycle the clothes instead of binning them. Another selling point was that the store was that there would only be 1 of everything which makes it quite unique.

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