Sunday 16 March 2014

Composing for films

Guide on how to compose music for films.

Firstly, you want to watch the film without any sound or music. This will give you more concentration on the film and help you to notice more detail of certain things in the film. Keeping the sound on will also distract you which means you wont be able to focus on whats going on.

Another thing to do is to select the instruments. You need to do this because instruments are normally chosen depending on the atmosphere and if they are not selected you may end up using instruments you've never used before.

Make sure you understand the beat. You need to do this so you can stick to the rhythm of the editing as it may be fast or slow and it may vary throughout the video so you need to be able to change it.

Stick to the feeling of the film. When you are making music for a film, its all about emotion. You need to be able to understand this in the film so you can give off the right feeling to the audience. 

Experiment with music. It is really important to do this so that you can get a feel for less obvious music choices. This allows you to have a wider variety of choices to work with.

How Hans Zimmer and Christopher Nolan worked together to create the music for Dark Knight?

Hans and Christopher spoke about it early on and Christopher would send Hans stills and shots of clowns to help each other with ideas. 

What was the process that Hans Zimmer used to come up with the music?

He was after music that built lots of tension. He tried to use as little music as possible, but still say what he wanted. So you could hear something really small but you would identify easily that the joker is close by. He also recorded lots of extraordinary sounds that he may use.

What was Hans Zimmer's intention when making this soundtrack?
they were too not make a summer blockbuster. He wanted something that people could really hate because it was uncomfortable to listen too.

What qualities did Hans Zimmer want the music to have?

He wanted it to be very small but very effective, as well as be able to build a lot tension. 

How do you feel about the final score and explain why you feel it works or doesn't work?

I think it works quite well because it's very minimal but still builds tension in  a mysterious way and helps you to sense the danger as well.

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