Sunday 8 December 2013

Research and Understanding Green Screen

Green Screen.

Green Screening is one of the main methods used in films. Green screening allows you to do a huge variety of different things. If you film someone acting with a green background behind them it is then extremely easy to remove the background and keep the action of the person. It is easy to remove due to it being a bright and solid colour. for example if you wanted to film someone on the moon you could get them all dressed up to look like a spaceman then get them to do the actions you want then remove the background and place them on the surface of the moon.

History of green screening and the key parts.

- A long time ago in the late 1800's, travelling matte as we know it as green screening was used in filmmaking. Matte is when a sheet of glass would of had been painted black and then used as a background.

- The film "The Great Train Robbery" was first made in 1903. In the film the travelling matte method was a big hit and gave it some of its biggest realistic effects.

- The Green / Blue screen method then came along in the 1930s and was created at RKO Radio Pictures.

- The first proper use green screen was used in the film "The thief of bagdad" in 1940 where a genie appeared from a bottle.

- Larry Butler who was the developer of green screen won an award for the use of the special effects in the film "the thief of bagdad".

- A disadvantage to the traditional travelling matte is that the cameras shooting the images to be composted can't be easily synchronized.

- later on computer timed motion control cameras help to get rid of this problem as both the foreground and background could be filmed with the same camera move.

this clip shows a good example of green screening being used as it shows a part from 'Ugly Betty' where she is trying to avoid a news reporter and walks straight into a bus shelter which was filmed using green screen. The reasons for it being filmed with green screen is because of various reasons such as it saves alot of problems to do with the public. if they were to use a proper public place then they would have to block off the area to film it which would have to go by lots of people to do so and would need support from the police as well they wouldn't have any control of sounds from outside. this means  there would be lots of background noise which they could do without. This is why it's easier to use a green screen where you can edit in what you want and what sounds you want. 

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