Sunday 10 November 2013

Dialogue - Misfits Opening

Dialogue - Misfits Opening Scene.

The purpose of the opening scene of the first misfits episode is to mainly get to know the characters. It also gives us an idea on their different personalities and and Idea of their background. 


Nathan's tone of voice is very sarcastic and we can see this straight away as when his probation worker says "when you see my lips moving, that means I am still talking" and Nathan comes back with "Yeah, but you could of been yawning or chewing". When Nathan is saying this sarcastic comment it is almost as if he is saying it in a Natural way, not putting it on to try and be funny and impress the others be but as if it is his normal way of speaking and talking to other people. Nathan can also get quite annoying when replying to people, we can see this when the probation worker says that people out there think you are "scum" and again in an annoying chat back way he responds with "Yeah, but what if they are right". Although Nathan is a very sarcastic person, he is also quite laid back and doesn't really care what he says and what the consequences may be. Again we can show this about when he says "No offence but some of us are born criminals" and whilst saying this he points to Gary. Gary then says "are you looking to get stabbed" but Nathan is not bothered by this what so ever and just replies with "see my point". Although the only impression we have so far of Nathan is that he is a very sarcastic person there may well be another side to him as even though what he says to simon isn't the nicest thing to say but he is the only one who notices simon and says something to him. 


From the first few minutes of the first episode of Misfits we can tell by the tone Alisha uses, that she isn't really bothered about her community service, doesn't really care about anything or any one and is all in all quite careless and rude. We can see this when the Probation worker is talking and giving information to everyone and Alisha quite rudely answers her phone and starts having a conversation over the phone to someone else and not paying any attention to what is being said. We also get an impression that she is quite flirty as the way she acts when putting her community service clothing on.


The first impression we get from Kelly is that she like Alisha is quite a careless person and doesn't really care about what she has done and what she has to do now. We can see this by the way she is slouching on the fence chewing gum and not the slightest bit interested in what is going on. Kelly's tone of voice shows that she speaks like a chav and this we know by the way she responds to Curtis's comment "Err what makes you think your better than us" and also the way she responds to Nathan's comment "You try'in to say something now then yah"


From the first clip of misfits we don't really receive much information from Curtis. He seems to be quite independent in the way he wears overalls. He isn't wearing them like the others he has them tied round his waist and no one else does. He also seems like quite a chilled guy in the way he doesn't seem to say much to the fellow people. All he says is "I shouldn't be er man" and "Can I move groups" which is then commented by Kelly and he doesn't seem too bothered about her comment and doesn't seem to backfire. Again like Alisha his tone of voice gives us an impression that he is also quite a careless person, isn't really interested and just wants it over with.


Gary comes across as quite an aggressive person in the way he talks and acts with quite a lot of attitude. We can see this by the way he responds to Nathan's comments "Are you looking to get stabbed"? and "Ill rip out your throat and S*** down your throat"! There is also some times where Gary is quite aggressive towards Nathan because what Nathan has said. This could show that Gary comes from a violent and aggressive background.


We don't really receive any information about simon in the opening scene. He doesn't say anything or make any comments to anyone and doesn't reply to Nathan's welcoming but rude comment. This shows that he is really shy and could actually feel quite nervous about mixing with and talking to new people. This could also be because something that may of happened to him or it may just be because the type of background he is from.


- Stormy Clouds - 4:36
- Ice Falling and hitting the car - 4:49
- Ice Falling - 4:52 - 6:11
- Thrown back onto black background - 6:12
- Lightning - 6:16
- Simon's head blur when changing - 17:40
- Eyes changing on Probation worker - 22:18
- Time turning back in Curtis's eyes - 30:28

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