Tuesday 12 November 2013

X-Men Sound Analysis

X-Men Sound Analysis

In the clip we were given from X-Men there were 4 main parts of sound. The Music, The Voice Over, The Dialogue and other Sound Effects.

We then watched the clip and analysed the 4 different sound parts and made a timeline to show what time in the clip they occurred.

When watching the clip we had to think about how the 4 different sound elements all worked and came together. The Music was the only sound element that was played the hole way through. The music was good because it was quite chilled, calm and had a mysterious feeling about which was good because it matched the clip.

Another sound element was the Dialogue. There are two types of Dialogue, on screen and off screen. On screen dialogue is where you can see the person who is talking and off screen is where you know the person is in the same location but not in front of the camera but it talking.

Another sound element is Voice over. Voice over is where someone who is talking over the clip who is in a location that we do not know. Voice over is used to give viewers a better understanding of what is going on.

The final sound element is sound effects. Sound effects are used to make actions in a film stand out and more realistic. For example in the X-Men clip when the clay pigeon's are being fired the laser gun is smashing them with a zapping noise, this is a sound effect that has been created and added because the laser mask and the laser beams are both fictional.

The way that all of these sound effects merge with each other and the way it all flows is mainly because of the constant music in the background. The other three sound elements only occur at certain times but the music in the background keeps it flowing and this means it will look and sound natural.

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