Sunday 24 November 2013

Visual Effects Research .

Visual Effect Research.

In our script we have a variety of visual effects that occur at different times.

The first one occurs on Scene 2 Shot 8 where our character Reece will teleport to the bathroom.

The second visual effect occurs on Scene 4 shot 4 where Reece is told some exciting news and flame balls fire from his hands.

The third visual effect occurs when Kieran introduces himself and turns invisible in Scene 5 shot 5.

The next visual effect occurs when Lauren introduces herself to Reece then shows of here unique talent by lifting objects using her mind and hovers them above Reece's head. This is also in Scene 5 Shot 9

Another visual effect occurs in Scene 5 Shot 11 where finally Rizzo introduces herself to Reece and shows of her super power by stretching and being extremely flexible.

The next visual effect is shown by Reece in Scene 5 shot 13 where Reece shows of his power by teleporting behind the 3 other pupils.

Another visual effect occurs in Scene 6 shot 2 where the ground begins to crack.

The next visual effect is where the zombies smash through the windows this occurs in Scene 6 shot 6.

The final group of visual effects occur from Shot 2 in Scene 7 all the way to shot 5 where we see all the characters we have met, use their powers to try and defeat the zombies.

Similar Visual Effects.

Teleport Visual Effect from Star Trek - 

Fire Balls from Sky High -

Stretching and Flexibility 


Teleportation -
Fire from hand -
Floating effect -
Floor cracking -

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