Sunday 10 November 2013

Point Break Write Up.

Point Break Write Up.

For this task we had to add sound effects in Adobe premier to a short clip taken from the film Point Break. We were given the clip with no audio and a folder full of sound effects and we had to put the sound effects over the clip where we thought they should be. We also had to edit the clips in Premier, for example, when someone was running and they were getting closer to the camera, we had to change the volume of the running sound effect so it started of quiet and got louder as the person was getting closer to the camera. 

Once we thought we had everything in the right place, we then had to export it. We had to choose the write export settings so the final clip was the write format to upload to YouTube  To export from premier to get the correct settings, we had to click File - Export, then change the format to H.264 and change the pre-set to YouTube HD 1080p 23.976.

I feel that my clip was quite successful, I felt that I put the sound effects in the write place and got the volume settings correct. Although I was fairly happy with my outcome I did struggle some times through the process. Especially trying to make the volume quite and then gradually get louder but still fairly quite. I also found it quite tricky when the man smashed through the glass, fell over the table and then the woman shouted. I found this part a bit tricky because there was so many sound effects that needed to be used at the same time and I just got in a bit of a pickle with the volumes and trying to keep it sound realistic. Apart from that I found it quite easy and quite enjoyable.


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