Sunday 10 November 2013

My Story


It all started a few months after Reece turned 18, where he decided to move out from his parents house in Detroit and move to the far west of the USA, Seattle. Reece's parents were really worried about letting him leave and live so far away but were proud of what a young man he had turned into. Reece's parents decided they didn't want him to live all by himself and that they wanted him to have someone to keep him company. Reece's parents decided to let him take the family dog Chester with him so he wouldn't feel all alone. 

A Few weeks later and Reece was all settled in. He had already made friends with the other people living around him and felt quite at home. Reece was at the local wall mart getting groceries and saw that an Electric Metal company a few miles from where Reece lived were offering apprenticeships. He was really glad that he had seen this advert as he really likes messing about with electrics and creating things. 

Later on that evening he phoned up the company and they offered him an interview. The next day Reece went for the interview and they seemed extremely impressed with his knowledge of electrics and the offered him the job there and then. He was really pleased that he got the job and couldn't wait to start.

2 Years went by and Reece was 20 years old by now and for the past few weeks there had been talk of people biting people and people being killed. Reece didn't think anything of it and just carried life on as normal. 

The following day at work Reece was on his lunch break and was taking a walk over to the refreshments van across the road when out of nowhere there was an almighty Bang! Fire started to rise down the end of the road and all of a sudden people started screaming . Cars started to crash and People started to run. Someone was running up the road where Reece works and Reece realized it was one of his neighbours. He stopped him and asked what is happening? His neighbour just said "Its Real!, Zombies, They are real"! Reece had no clue what to do and didn't know what to do. He turned to look down the road again and saw someone on top of someone biting them and ripping parts of their skin off! Reece couldn't believe what was happening. He started to run home jumping over cars and pushing people out the way. He got into his flat and locked the door behind him.

He looked around the room to find Chester scared to death, curled up in the corner of the room. He went over to him and sat down next to him to try and make him feel more secure. He switched on the TV to find Main Headlines stating that a "Zombie Apocalypse has begun"

Reece thought no more and grabbed his phone to call his family back in Detroit but there was no answer. He called and called family and friends back in Detroit but there was no answer. 

Reece waited in till the night and put everything in his flat in front of the door to block it. A few hours later, still no answer on the phone. Reece knew he had to do something. He thought and thought of ideas and then thought to him self that he will use the metal at his work to make armour and weapons. Early hours the next morning he looked out the window all was silent and nothing to be seen apart from smashed cars and windows. Reece saw this as his only opportunity to go back to his work place and start to do something. 

He slowly and quietly began to move the furniture away from his door. He put Chester on the lead and left his flat. He walked to his work watching every footstep he made, to make sure he couldn't attract anyone or anything's attention. He made it to his work place and let himself inside quietly and carefully. He looked around first to make sure it was safe and shut the 6 Inch steel doors behind him and locked them using an heavy iron Padlock. 

After spending the rest of the night and the next day in there, Reece had created some steel armour for himself and thinner lighter armour for his dog. He had also made an electric sword and a tazer gun.

Reece saw an old backpack on the floor covered by bits of junk metal. He took it and filled it with the drink and food from the fridge in the kitchen. He took the big kitchen knifes from the draw and put them around his waist. He put everything that he though would be resourceful in the bag. Reece waited there till it got light the following morning. He opened the door and made sure it was safe to go. Reece and Chester had started their journey back home.   


My story is about a young man called Reece and his dog Chester, who leave their home in Detroit to start a fresh in the city of Seattle. Reece settles in fine, he has made new friends got a job and is all going well. But one day it doesn't all go so well. This is the day where the world realizes that Zombies are real and that today would be the start of a Zombie Apocalypse. Reece cannot get in touch with his family but holds his head high and hopes and still believes they are still alive. Reece uses his job as an advantage and makes himself and his dog armour and weapons to fight off the zombies on their long trip back home to see if he can find his family in Detroit


  1. I like the idea of having a dog in your story :-)

  2. I think in your story you should have detail about your characters trying to defeat these zombies and becoming 'heroes' or something? :)
