Sunday 19 January 2014

comparing matte painting

Comparing Matte Paintings.

On the two cards above, the one on the left represents the wikipedia definition of matte painting and the one on the right represents the definition from "The Digital Matte Painting Handbook".

Both of the cards give off the same information about matte painting and all that is different is they are worded differently and say different things.

When you look at them you can see that they do have their similarities in the way the Wikipedia definition says its a "Painted Representation" and the Handbook defines it as a "Painted Image"  Another difference is that the Wikipedia definition tells us that a matte painting is a "painting of environment that would be to expensive to create or visit" and the Handbook says matte painting was used "instead of building a set or carting a mountain range"

Although these two cards have their similarities they also have their differences. The hand book explains that a matte painting is "A sheet of glass between the camera and the scene filmed" which wikipedia does not tell us. Wikipedia tells us that a matte painting "Allows film makers to create the illusion" where this is not stated in the Matte Painting handbook. 

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