Sunday 5 January 2014

Improved Images

This photo has been improved by blurring the background and making the character the main focus point. It has also not been taken with the character in the center of the photo which means it hasn't broken the rule of thirds.

This photo has been improved by taking the un needed posters and displays from the background which as a result give you more focus on whats going on.

This photo has been improved because it has been taken from a different angle and as a result of this there is no clutter in the background which give you more focus on the characters.

This photo has been improved in the same way the previous one has been by taking the photo from a different angle so nothing pointless and un wanted is in the photo.

This photo was improved because of the cluttered background in the original photo. In this photo there is no posters in the background and not so much clutter as such which allows you to focus on the characters and get a clearer idea of what is going on.

We improved this shot by taking it from a different angle because in the original it was breaking the rule of thirds rule as the character was in the middle of the shot. In the original shot the character was also staring a the camera when he should of been looking at who he was having a conversation with. Another reason why we re took this photo was because the original photo didn't give the views much of an idea of what was going on and where it was taken and how it linked to the story.

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