Friday 10 January 2014

costumes for characters


Name of actor: Katie Turner
Name of character: Kiera
Height: 5 ft 1
Hair colour: Ginger/Red
Eye colour: Blue
Accent: British/English
Style: Chav
Costume: White flat peak cap, white oversized man's t-shirt, grey Nike jogging bottoms, white Supra high-tops, and hair tied back.

Name of actor: Maia Creed
Name of character: Lauren
Height: 5 ft 1
Hair colour: Brunette
Eye colour: Green/grey
Accent: British/English
Style: Indie
Costume: Floral top, black leggings, white converse, brown fringe bag, denim jacket, lipstick, and hair in a plait.

Name of actor: Georgina Horne
Name of character: Rizzo
Height: 5 ft 3
Hair colour: Brunette
Eye colour: Blue
Accent: British/english
Style: Fashionable
Costume: Wavy hair, bold makeup, white vest, blue cami, necklace, black leggings, bracelets and boots.

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