Monday 6 January 2014

Production Meeting


Meeting started at 11:15. People present, Myself, Georgie, Katie and Maia. We discussed several things during this process. This meeting was to organise a schedule for filming and different parts of the film were creating and to try and fit in everything we need to work on up until the deadlines we have been given. 

Dead lines:

13th January 2014- The day we get the camera and start to film
29th January 2014- The rough copy of the film deadline
30th January 2014- Feed back and working on what needs to be improved
14th January 2014- Final piece deadline

We have worked out a schedule that enables us to complete all the work need to be done up to this point. 

We have discussed the fact that we need to book certain times with characters in the script that are not part of the group, so it fits around there schedule.

The first few days of the first week we have decided to work on the special effects, the filming and the computer special effects. This is due to the fact that we all need as much time as possible to get the special effects perfect and because there the main part of the piece, they need to be as good as they can be. The special effects will take the most times.

In the group we need to still decide the costumes needed in the piece. But because theres not enough time to get the costumes organised in lesson time we will get together out of the lesson on a free and plan the costumes for the piece. 

The audio we have decided to do near the end. So we can incorporate the other special effects sounds. With some of the shots the audio will be in the shots. 

Because we have 56 shots we need to work fast, organised and we all have to focus. This is because if we don't the rough copy will not be completed to then me analysed and we won't know what to improve on to make the work better. 

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