Monday 20 January 2014

Production Meeting.

Production meeting started at 11:20am, peoples present, myself, Georgina, Katie, Maia. 

The schedule of last week we completed all of the scenes up to scene 5. Which leaves us with 3 More scenes to shoot. We have decided to film as much of scene 5 as we can today and have decided to move location to inside the front of reception instead of outside due to all the background noise and people walking past and the different angles. 

On Wednesday the 22nd of January, we have decided to start putting the shots together and practice the visual effects. Myself (Callum) will not be present during this process due to medical reasons.

for the rest of the week, we will be aiming to finish all of the shots from all of the scenes so that next monday we are ready to do audio and complete the final rough copy of our 2 minute sequence for the 29th of January.

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